GATE Pilot Project
The CAN Scholastic Foundation is working with the Beijing Institute of Education and the Beijing Education Bureau to produce a pilot project that enables schools in the US to network with ten top schools in China for truly meaningful online and offline interchange.
Utilizing the STEAM rubric, pilot schools will be clustered in groups of three and four to develop courses and programs that both American and Chinese students can access online and offline. Winter programs for Chinese students will be developed for each cluster, while June programs in China will be created for American students. Summer programs will be offered in both countries.
Research projects developed by teams comprised of both American and Chinese students will be submitted to international scholastic competitions. Teachers and administrators will be encouraged to exchange educational ideas and concepts through forums and workshops. Teachers will also be given the opportunity to teach online courses through the school year and in the summer to teach internationally.
Additional courses and programs will be developed according the interests of the schools and students within the pilot. Milestones will be reviewed on a semester timetable. The goal is to foster strong bonds between American and Chinese motivated and talented students.